Apurva V. Oza

Research Page

Welcome. I am a staff scientist at the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences at the California Institute of Technology. I am also an affiliate of the Europa Clipper Mission and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. My research encompasses planetary evolution, following physical processes in time on objects such as Europa, Io, Ganymede, Titan, as well as exoplanets, and exomoons. See below for more.


Jupiter's ocean world Europa, during the Sep. 2022 Juno flyby. Europa Clipper will measure the magnitude of the dusk-over-dawn asymmetry predicted by our exosphere group so far seen by Juno's magnetometer and HST & KECK aurorae.

  • Io

    Io, Jupiter's volcanic moon as seen by Juno, the most geological active body in the Solar System. Below, is a SERPENS & DISHOOM simulation of an exo-Io orbiting a close-in gas giant exoplanet.

    Atmospheric Escape: Physical Processes

    Star-Planet-Moon Systems

    Exploring the interactions between stars, planets, and moons.