Michael E. Brown

Richard and Barbara Rosenberg Professor of Planetary Astronomy
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125



Ph. D., Astronomy, 1994
University of California at Berkeley.
M.A., Astronomy, 1990,
University of California at Berkeley.
A.B., with high honors, Physics, 1987,
Princeton University.

Honors and Awards:

Elected to the National Academy of Science, 2014
Kavli Prize in Astrophysics, 2012
Aaronson Memorial Lecturer, University of Arizona, 2008
Richard P. Feynman Teaching Award, 2007.
Time Magazine 100 Most Influential People, 2006.
Urey Prize, Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, 2001.
Presidential Early Career Award, 2000.
Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, 1998.
Hubble Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1994.
Mary Elizabeth Uhl Award, U.C. Berkeley, 1994.
NASA Graduate Fellowship, 1992.
NSF Graduate Fellowship, 1988.


Rosenberg Professor, Caltech, 2008-present.
Professor, Caltech, 2003 - present.
Associate Professor, Caltech, 2002 - 2003.
Assistant Professor, Caltech, 1997- 2002.
Hubble Postdoctoral Fellow, Caltech, 1996.
Hubble Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Arizona, 1995.
Graduate Research Assistant, UC Berkeley, 1988-1994.
Visiting Graduate Fellow, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, 1992.
Associate systems engineer, SPARTA, Inc., Huntsville, Alabama, 1987-1988.