Details on the dwarf planet size calculations
(These notes are for the How Many Dwarf Planets Are There? Page
One of the stumbling blocks to understanding the true numbers of dwarf planets has been that measurement of the true sizes of these distant bodies has been difficult. The only thing that we can measure well for most of these bodies is simply the brightness. And while bigger objects tend to be brighter, it is also true that objects which simply have more reflective surfaces will be brighter too. If we knew how reflective each of the surfaces was, however, we could use the brightness to infer the actual size.
After nearly 20 years of studying the Kuiper belt, we actually know enough to come up with a good estimate of an objects reflectivity (its "albedo") knowing nothing more than where it is, how bright it is, and what color it is. While these estimates will not be perfect, there are adequate for an initial exploration of sizes and albedos of bodies in the outer solar system.
The largest objects
A handful of objects in the Kuiper belt have had their albedos measured. We
will use those to help our estimates. The most complete database comes
from a chapter by John Stansberry et al. in If you look at albedo vs. absolute magnitude, you see a very clear trend that
brighter objects (smaller absolute magnitudes) have higher albedos. We
can use this trend to predict albedos of bright objects whose albedo
we have measured. We make the simple assumption that for objects larger
than 400km, albedo is a power law which connects albedos of 5% at 400 km
and 20% at 900 km. Mathematically, this is written by setting two constants,
m=log10(.05/.20)/log10(400./900.), c=.05/400., and then calculating albedo as,
albedo=[c^(1/m)*1369*10^(-h/5.)]^[m*2/(m+2)] (deriving the formula is an
exercise for the student....). The result of this formula can be
seen by the red line on the figure, which does a pretty good job fitting the
data for the largest objects.
Smaller objects
For objects fainter than an absolute magnitude of about 5, no systematic
trend appears with magnitude. There is, however, a trend with color.
Small Centaurs and possibly Kuiper belt objects appear to divide into
a class of very similarly neutraly colored objects (often called "blue"
but they are not really blue, just less red than the others) and a more
dispersed class of red objects (often called "red" because they are).
If you look at the albedos of the smaller objects as a function of
color gradient (where values between 0 and 20 generally are classified
as blue and values above 20 are classified as red) you see that the
blue objects generally have lower albedos than the red objects.
We will use this to estimate albedos for objects smaller than 400 km. If
they are blue, we will estimate their albedos to be 4.4% (the median of
the measured blue values), while if they are red we will estimate them
to be 8% (the median of the measured red values). If they have no color
estimate, we will assume them to have the 8% albedo of red objects
simply because that makes for a conservative estimate of the size.
Special objects
Two classes of objects are known to be special and have unique albedos.
Members of Haumea's collisional family have nearly pure water ice surfaces
and extremely high albedos of ~70%. And members of the cold classical
Kuiper belt appear to have unique high albedos of ~20% (this number is
very poorly constrained, however).
The table of dwarf planet candidates uses
measured values when available and otherwise uses the above estimates.
The comments column indicates the source of the albedo.
Measured refers to a direct measurement through a stellar
occulatation or through the technique discussed in the Stansberry paper
above. Large means that the albedo was calculated from the
formula for large KBOs. Blue or Red means that the
albedo was assumed from color as above. Cold classical or Haumea family means that the object is one of these special classes with
special albedos. Finally, a blank entry in the column means that object is
small with an unknown color and is not a Haumea family member or a cold
classical object. The 8% assumed albedo is a conservative estimate.