Present and Past Students of Robert W. Clayton

Current Students

Graduated Students

  1. John Fawcett (PhD, 1984) (with Herb Keller) abstract
    Thesis: I. Three dimensional ray-tracing and ray-inversion in layered media. II. Inverse scattering and curved ray tomography with applications to seismology
  2. Marianne Walck (PhD, 1984) abstract
    Thesis: Teleseismic array analysis of upper mantle compressional velocity structure
  3. Thomas Hearn (PhD, 1985) abstract
    Thesis: Crustal structure in Southern California from array data
  4. Eugene Humphreys (PhD, 1985) (with Brad Hager) abstract
    Thesis: Studies of the crust-mantle system beneath Southern California
  5. Ronan Le Bras (PhD, 1985) abstract
    Thesis: Methods of multiparameter inversion of seismic data using the acoustic and elastic born approximations
  6. John Vidale (PhD, 1986) (with Don Helmberger) abstract
    Thesis: Application of two-dimensional finite-difference wave simulation to earthquakes, earth structure, and seismic hazard
  7. John Louie (PhD, 1987) abstract
    Thesis: Seismic reflection experiments imaging the physical nature of crustal structures in southern California
  8. Phyllis Ho (PhD, 1987) (with Hiroo Kanamori) abstract
    Thesis: Attenuation tomography. Modelling regional love waves: Imperial Valley to Pasadena
  9. Christof Stork (PhD, 1988) abstract
    Thesis: Ray trace tomographic velocity analysis of surface seismic reflection data
  10. Hua-Wei Zhou (PhD, 1989) (with Don Anderson) abstract
    Thesis: Travel time tomographic studies of seismic structures around subducted lithospheric slabs.
  11. Olafur Gudmundsson (PhD, 1989) abstract
    Thesis: Some problems in global tomography: modeling the core-mantle boundary and statistical analysis of travel-time data.
  12. J. Huw Davies (PhD, 1989) (with Dave Stevenson) abstract
    Thesis: Some problems in mantle structure and dynamics; Part 1. Inversion for depth variation of spectra of mantle compressional and shear velocity teterogeneity.
    Part 2. Physical model of source region of subduction zone volcanism
  13. Robert W. Graves (PhD,1990) abstract
    Thesis: Modeling seismic wave propagation using paraxial extrapolators.
  14. Bruce Worden (PhD, 1991) abstract
    Thesis: Interactive seismic imaging on a multicomputer and application to the Hosgri fault.
  15. Linda Rowan (PhD, 1993) (with Tom Ahrens) abstract
    Thesis: Equation of state of molten mid-ocean ridge basalt. Structure of Kilauea volcano
  16. Leo Eisner (PhD, 2001) abstract
    Thesis: Reciprocity method in seismology
  17. Julie J. Nazareth (PhD, 2002) (with Egill Hauksson) abstract
    Thesis: The structure of the crust and distribution of earthquakes in Southern California
  18. William Keller (PhD, 2003) (with Joann Stock) abstract
    Thesis: Cenozoic plate tectonic reconstructions and plate boundary processes in the Southwest Pacific
  19. Patricia Persaud (PhD, 2003) (with Joann Stock) abstract
    Thesis: Images of early continental breakup in and around the Gulf of California and the role of basal shear in producing wide plate boundaries
  20. Zhimei Yan (PhD, 2006) abstract
    Thesis: Regional mapping of the crustal structure in Southern California
  21. Nathan Downey (PhD, 2008) (with J. Stock and M. Gurnis) abstract
    Thesis: Tectonic history of the Osbourn spreading center and dynamic subsidence of the Congo basin.
  22. Nathalie Vriend (PhD, 2009) (with M. Hunt and C. Brennen from Mech. Eng.) abstract
    Thesis: Booming Sand Dunes
  23. Sonja Spasojevic (PhD, 2010) (with M. Gurnis) abstract
    Thesis: Dynamics of long-term sea-level change and vertical motion of continents
  24. Michelle Selvans (PhD, 2011) (with J. Stock, and O. Aharonson) abstract
    Thesis: Geophysical investigations of near-surface structure on the Earth and Mars
  25. YoungHee Kim (PhD, 2011) (with J. Jackson) abstract
    Thesis: Properties of the subduction system in Mexico
  26. Ting Chen (PhD, 2012) (with N. Lapusta) abstract
    Thesis: Part I: Structure of central and southern Mexico from velocity and attenuation tomography; Part II: Physics of small repeating earthquakes
  27. Kristin Phillips-Alonge (PhD, 2012) abstract
    Thesis: Structure of the subduction system in southern Peru from seismic array data
  28. Steve Skinner (PhD. 2013) (with J. Stock) abstract
    Thesis: Plate Tectonic Constraints on Flat Subduction and Paleomagnetic Constraints on Rifting
  29. Zhongwen Zhan (PhD. 2013) (with D. Helmberger, M. Simons, and V. Tsai) abstract
    Thesis: Exploiting Seismic Waveforms of Ambient Noise and Earthquakes
  30. Sara Dougherty (PhD. 2014) (with D. Helmberger) abstract
    Thesis: Seismic structure along transitions from flat to normal subduction: central Mexico, southern Peru, and southwest Japan
  31. Yiran Ma (PhD. 2016) abstract
    Thesis: Imaging the earth with ambient noise and earthquakes.
  32. Dunzhu Li (PhD 2016) (with D. Helmberger and M. Gurnis) abstract
    Thesis: Some Advances in Computational Geophysics: Seismic Wave and Geodynamical Modeling.
  33. Asaf Inbal (PhD 2016) (with J-P Ampuero) abstract
    Thesis: Seismogeodetic Imaging of Active Crustal Faulting
    Youtube Thesis Defense   Web
  34. Anthony Massari, (PhD 2018) (with T. Heaton and M. Kohler) abstract
    Thesis: Achieving Higher Fidelity Building Response through Emerging Technologies and Analytical Techniques doi:10.7907/Z9HH6H7N
  35. Filipos Filippitzis, (PhD. 2021) (with T. Heaton and M. Kohler) abstract
    Thesis: Identification of Structural Damage, Ground Motion Response, and the Benefits of Dense Seismic Instrumentation. doi:10.7907/x0sf-pq18
  36. Jorge Alberto Castillo Castellanos (PhD. 2021) (with Zhongwen Zhan)
    Thesis: Seismic wavefield imaging of the Earth: the Regional, the Local and the Remote   abstract
  37. Jack Muir (PhD. 2021) (with Victor Tsai and Zhongwen Zhan)
    Thesis: Model parameterization and model selection in geophysical inverse problems: Designing inverse problems that respect a priori geophysical knowledge   doi:10.7907/203d-yx49   abstract
  38. Zhe Jia (PhD. 2022) (with Zhongwen Zhan)
    Thesis: Resolving Earthquake Source Complexities in the Hetergeneous Earth doi:10.7907/na72-6395     abstract
  39. Yida Li (PhD. 2023) (with Mike Gurnis)
    Thesis: 1. Dynamics of Subduction Initiation, and II. Constraining Sedimaentary Basin Structure with Ambient Noise abstract
  40. Yan Yang (PhD. 2024) (with Zhongwen Zhan and Zach Ross)
    Thesis: Imaging the Earth;s near surface with dense seismic observation.     abstract